2011年9月6日 星期二

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Amazon.com: Bestsellers in Health & Personal Care: #9: Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Economy Pack Plus Size 1, 234 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Amazon.com: Bestsellers in Health & Personal Care
The most popular items in Health & Personal Care Note: Product prices and availability were accurate at the time this feed was generated but are subject to change.
#9: Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Economy Pack Plus Size 1, 234 Count (Packaging May Vary)
Sep 6th 2011, 20:00

Pampers Swaddlers
Pampers Swaddlers Diapers Economy Pack Plus Size 1, 234 Count (Packaging May Vary) by Pampers Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 167 days in the top 100 4.5 out of 5 stars(523) Buy new: $51.44 $43.90 8 used & new from $34.00 (Visit the Bestsellers in Health & Personal Care list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)

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Amazon.com: Bestsellers in Health & Personal Care: #9: Pampers Cruisers Diapers Economy Pack Plus Size 4, 160 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Amazon.com: Bestsellers in Health & Personal Care
The most popular items in Health & Personal Care Note: Product prices and availability were accurate at the time this feed was generated but are subject to change.
#9: Pampers Cruisers Diapers Economy Pack Plus Size 4, 160 Count (Packaging May Vary)
Sep 6th 2011, 17:55

Pampers Cruisers
Pampers Cruisers Diapers Economy Pack Plus Size 4, 160 Count (Packaging May Vary) by Pampers Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 171 days in the top 100 3.9 out of 5 stars(473) Buy new: $51.44 $45.99 5 used & new from $45.99 (Visit the Bestsellers in Health & Personal Care list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)

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2011年9月5日 星期一

Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care: #8: Huggies Natural Care Fragrance Free Baby Wipes Soft pack, 72-Count (Pack of 4)

Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care
The most popular items in Health & Personal Care Note: Product prices and availability were accurate at the time this feed was generated but are subject to change.
#8: Huggies Natural Care Fragrance Free Baby Wipes Soft pack, 72-Count (Pack of 4)
Sep 5th 2011, 20:50

Huggies Natural
Huggies Natural Care Fragrance Free Baby Wipes Soft pack, 72-Count (Pack of 4) by Huggies Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 23 days in the top 100 4.3 out of 5 stars(14) Buy new: $12.76 $8.57 5 used & new from $8.57 (Visit the Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)

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Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care: #9: Philips Norelco 7310XL Men's Shaving System

Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care
The most popular items in Health & Personal Care Note: Product prices and availability were accurate at the time this feed was generated but are subject to change.
#9: Philips Norelco 7310XL Men's Shaving System
Sep 5th 2011, 09:40

Philips Norelco
Philips Norelco 7310XL Men's Shaving System by Philips Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 737 days in the top 100 4.1 out of 5 stars(586) Buy new: $49.99 $37.99 35 used & new from $35.94 (Visit the Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)

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Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care: #10: Oral-B Smartseries 4000 Professional Care Rechargeable, White/Silver

Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care
The most popular items in Health & Personal Care Note: Product prices and availability were accurate at the time this feed was generated but are subject to change.
#10: Oral-B Smartseries 4000 Professional Care Rechargeable, White/Silver
Sep 5th 2011, 08:31

OralB Smartseries
Oral-B Smartseries 4000 Professional Care Rechargeable, White/Silver by Oral B Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 4 days in the top 100 4.4 out of 5 stars(162) Buy new: $124.99 $75.53 (Visit the Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)

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2011年9月4日 星期日

Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care: #9: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Cleaning Pads, 8-Count Box

Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care
The most popular items in Health & Personal Care Note: Product prices and availability were accurate at the time this feed was generated but are subject to change.
#9: Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Cleaning Pads, 8-Count Box
Sep 5th 2011, 00:29

Mr Clean
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Cleaning Pads, 8-Count Box by Mr. Clean Ranking has gone up in the past 24 hours 17 days in the top 100 4.5 out of 5 stars(51) Buy new: $11.73 $8.29 6 used & new from $8.29 (Visit the Best Sellers in Health & Personal Care list for authoritative information on this product's current rank.)

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流行總覽: 品牌女裝 下殺1折起

品牌女裝 下殺1折起
Sep 4th 2011, 23:00

專櫃女裝品牌0918、Theme,將於明(6)日至9/20在高雄SOGO展開出清活動,多款平口上衣、短版外套、造型褲裙最低秒殺1折起,心動的話,不妨趁機前往逛逛囉。 詳全文:品牌女裝 下殺1折起

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流行總覽: 天然材質 變化穿搭 45rpm秋裝新魅力

天然材質 變化穿搭 45rpm秋裝新魅力
Sep 4th 2011, 23:00

一向訴求天然環保材質的45rpm,秋冬運用簡約設計的自然風單品,延伸更豐富實用的變化搭配,像可當成外套或洋裝的皮革上衣、能穿搭成外套的棉質襯衫,以及雙面圖案設計的圍巾,輕鬆享受多樣的穿搭樂趣。材質上更選用輕羊毛、棉線編織與天然有機棉,造型輕巧不厚重,體驗柔軟舒適的秋季新裝扮。報導╱曾映慈 攝影╱王永村 詳全文:天然材質 變化穿搭 45rpm秋裝新魅力

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流行總覽: 修長指繪3款示範 變身纖纖玉指美人

修長指繪3款示範 變身纖纖玉指美人
Sep 4th 2011, 23:00

化妝能夠修飾出巴掌臉,而指甲彩繪就像為指頭化上簡單的妝,學會擦法,就能讓肥短的香腸手變身纖纖玉指,魅力更加分。本次由OPI美甲萌主大賽剛出爐的前3名得主,為我們各示範1款纖長顯瘦的指繪畫法。報導╱解光芸 攝影╱翁玉信 詳全文:修長指繪3款示範 變身纖纖玉指美人

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流行總覽: 貴氣小狗妝最終篇

Sep 4th 2011, 23:00

廣編特輯 擁有夢幻般的緊緻俏臉是所有女孩兒們的終極夢想,Gisele深諳箇中美麗"畫"術,在一系列的貴氣小狗妝示範教學中,特地選再最後一篇 教大家修飾臉龐及雙下巴的小撇步,最後加以腮紅及唇彩點綴好氣色,簡直就是各種場合皆適用的完美Look! 詳全文:貴氣小狗妝最終篇

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流行總覽: 屏東 潮牌女鞋 搶買990元起

屏東 潮牌女鞋 搶買990元起
Sep 4th 2011, 23:00

來自美國的品牌女鞋STEVEN MADDEN,以潮流時髦、新奇有趣的設計,受到好萊塢女星喜愛。即日起至9/18在屏東太平洋百貨舉辦特賣活動,時尚高跟、漂亮涼鞋全面990元起,喜歡這個品牌的靚女們,不妨把握機會去搶購喔!報導╱曾珮瑛、陳勇凱 攝影╱李友欽 詳全文:屏東 潮牌女鞋 搶買990元起

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流行總覽: 設計師服飾 特賣2折起

設計師服飾 特賣2折起
Sep 4th 2011, 23:00

國內知名設計師洪秀女擅長以華麗抽象的花卉圖騰,創造兼具俏麗及典雅的服裝風格,遠企購物中心即日起至9/12舉辦設計師服飾特賣會,包含洪秀女品牌(CANDACE)、義大利進口品牌anna paganie、愛蜜蘭時尚名品(aimilan),全面特價2折起,不妨抽空去逛逛!報導╱黃韻文 攝影╱陳逸宏 詳全文:設計師服飾 特賣2折起

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流行總覽: K BOOK 《推理要在晚餐後》抽獎活動

K BOOK 《推理要在晚餐後》抽獎活動
Sep 4th 2011, 23:00

剪下《K Book》回函,答對問題就有機會得好禮,共抽50名,頭獎40名可得尖端出版《推理要在晚餐後》小說1本、城邦讀書花園網路書店100元電子折價券(1次限抵50元)。普獎10名可得城邦讀書花園網路書店100元電子折價券(1次限抵50元)。 詳全文:K BOOK 《推理要在晚餐後》抽獎活動

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